On Thursday 18 April, eThekwini Mayor Councillor Mxolisi Kaunda joined various stakeholders on-site to see first-hand the visible benefit of the municipality’s investment into bulk infrastructure around Westown.
With just under a year before the official opening of Westown Square, the trigger investment to the new 100ha City of the West, the site, buzzing with approximately 1000 people, is powering ahead at every level. “Westown is the single biggest infrastructure investment by the municipality since the Soccer World Cup in 2010,” noted Carlos Correia, CEO of Fundamentum Property Group (Fundamentum), “and brings significant socio-economic value to the Outer West region of eThekweni, which has been under-served for so many years.”
Some R600 million is being invested by the eThekwini Municipality into supporting bulk infrastructure (roads, water, wastewater and electricity). Fundamentum is overseeing and managing this development work through contractors Stefanutti Stocks and is also investing hundreds of millions into the new bulk and precinct infrastructure.
Infrastructure Upgrades
Infrastructure upgrades include two new bridges and a total make-over of the existing two-lane Kassier Rd across the M13 and N3 into four lanes with a centre median. The M13 bridge is to be totally rebuilt, a new pedestrian bridge is being added over the N3 along with a new loop ramp and bridge over Kassier Road providing direct access into Westown.
With the Municipality’s facilitative investment into bulk infrastructure, the new City of the West and Durban’s new commercial, tourism, and retail hub is estimated to generate some R15 billion in investment over the next 10 to 15 years with over R3,5bn already committed and being invested.
“R1,4 billion of private sector investment has been triggered through the investment by Fundamentum with Absa Commercial and Investment Bank’s (Absa) backing in the 50 000m² Westown Square retail experience, and now JSE-listed Balwin Properties (Balwin), will add a further R2 billion in value with their residential development Shongweni Eco Park,” said Correia.
Shongweni Eco-Park
This investment was cemented at the event, as Balwin signed a formal agreement with Fundamentum for their 1 260-apartment Shongweni Eco-Park lifestyle estate that will comprise 20 phases to be built out over the next few years.
This unique, 6-star Greenstar-rated lifestyle estate will include access to amenities such as a fully equipped Training Science Gym, children’s play area, swimming pool, running/walking tracks as well as a concierge service. A range of garden apartments will be on offer, with prices expected to range between R899 900 and R2 099 900. This brand new development is due to be launched to the market later this year.
Infrastructure, Westown Square retail, and Shongweni Eco Park pave the way for the remainder of Westown’s mixed-use development and a host of other sectors that will find ‘homes’ in Westown including logistics, healthcare, warehousing, commercial and tourism opportunities with further announcements in this regard expected in the next few months.
Ready To Go
It has been 26 months since the first sod was turned in November 2022 and 60% of the initial phase of development (incl. Westown Square and the upgrade of the roadworks surrounding the precinct) is already completed. Currently underway, is the massive task of landscaping and construction of the parking areas within Westown Square together with bulk water main and treatment works.
“Without the City’s investment, the land we are standing on today would still be sugarcane, not offering any return, be that financially, socially or environmentally,” Correia continues. “We are incredibly bullish about Durban and KZN as THE place for investment, by the private sector and Fundamentum is proud to be spearheading this wave of optimism and tangible opportunity.”
Performing the Welcome at today’s event, was the 40-strong FUTURES IN TUNE (FIT) choir from the Egcekeni Primary School. Located at Shongweni Dam in Ward 7, Egcekeni Primary School educates 460 learners from Grades R to 9 and runs a daily feeding scheme. It is a current beneficiary of The Westown Foundation, which is funding a project focused on upgrading school buildings and facilities to ensure uninterrupted learning.
📸 View event images – Westown Gallery
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