Next phase of Kassier upgrade complete – Part 1 of Phase 1B which is the bypass road from the N3 to the SAPS K9 Unit entrance.
This temporary bypass road opens on Monday 17th July. It runs along the western side of Kassier Rd and will carry vehicles both north and south along Kassier Rd. At the SAPS K9 Unit entrance, vehicles will be directed back onto old Kassier Rd until Part 2 of Phase 1B is complete.
Part 2 runs from the SAPS K9 Unit entrance to the M13 with the bypass road extending alongside the Durban Shongweni Club, and a 4-way stop being built at the intersection of Kassier Rd and Cliffdale Rd. This tarred (pothole-free) bypass road will be in place for approximately 18 months and will allow for the upgrade of Kassier Rd itself to continue uninterrupted.
Part 3 is from the M13 to Hillcrest Hospital / Alverstone intersection and will start in the next month. This will include the construction of a new bridge over the M13.
PHASE 2 is from the Hillcrest Hospital / Alverstone intersection and runs all the way to the R103 (Old Main Rd). This phase will get underway in late 2025/early 2026.
See a flyover video 👀of the bypass
With the next phase of Kassier upgrade complete, another milestone in the development of Westown has been met.